lunedì 20 gennaio 2025
  • » Routes in Piacenza

Routes in Piacenza and in the Province of Piacenza

Routes in Piacenza

Visit the province of Piacenza reserves pleasant surprises.
The variety of its landscapes that change greatly, both among valleys, as well as in its plains. Destinations are very popular with a growing tourism, the valleys of Piacenza live the summer and winter, spring and fall like one long season.
Alternate the wonders of colors sometimes tenuous, sometimes bursting, the beauty of a gentle and romantic environment, but, at the same time, overwhelming.
Then the wonders of its historical sites, ancient villages, with elegant buildings that tell the story of a people, the history of a community.
  • to discover unspoilt corners and rich history
    from the farm to the Mulberry to the discovery of the strategic importance of the Val Luretta
    The route starts from the farm on Mulberry, brings the traveler to discover a landscape of the Val Luretta, characterized by fields almost everywhere cultivated and well cared for, and from an area...
  • Tour of Fortalices of val Trebbia
    route of the castles from the farm Cascina Bosco Gerolo
    exit Cascina Bosco Gerolo, with all that it has got, may regret a little '... but we say that we are very close to visit this "Tour of the castles" ...
  • An excursion to a charming and magical
    from the farm La Madre Pietra to the mystic mountain: La Pietra Parcellaria
    About two kilometers from the farm Mother Stone we can reach on foot in about half an hour one of the most beautiful places of the province, the crest of the massive stone Parcellara...
  • From valley to valley, castles between the rivers ...
    from the Farmhouse Il Poggio Cardinal history and landscapes
    a journey of about 60 km jumping from one valley to another, from one river to another, from one castle to another! We are in the low val thresh, the gateway to one of the most beautiful tourist ar...
  • Meadows and quiet between the Trebbia and Luretta
    from the farm Paderna excursion not to be missed
    a ring along a little less than 10 km that you cover in about two hours of pleasant and easy walk that leads to places with unique charm of simplicity and naturalness ...
  • Vineyards, castles, squares and ancient villages ...
    The route from the farm Negrese a ring over the vla Tidone
    a circular route covering almost 80 km for about 2 hours by car, visiting castles and collegiate, immersed in the green valleys Tidone, Trebbia and small Luretta ...
  • In Piacentino greener ...
    Podere Casale from the farm through the vineyards of the Val Tidone
    Podere Casale is the ideal starting point because these aspects are the features that characterize it, perfectly expressed in his wine products ...
  • Between churches and castles in Lower Trebbia
    From La Corte del Gallo in Rivergaro, Ancarano and Gazzola
    This first itinerary you can go with car or mountain bike, and allows you to admire churches, castles and dive in the green rolling hills of Piacenza ....
  • For golf lovers and to the Châteaux Trebbia
    The Wanderer from the farm two paths for two different days
    first itinerary visiting the Golf Club La Bastardina, the second route instead toward different stages that close to a ring for a total of about 50 km that you cover in just over an hour by car and...
  • Discovering the Road of the Mills
    from the Farm Villa Paradiso between medium and high val Tidone
    a path of strong meaning, which combines the ancient traditions, environment and good food, the most evocative of the province of Piacenza, was only for what the mills are in these parts ...
  • Straddle between Val Nure and Val d'Arda
    from the farm inn Spettine a route between castles and forests
    from the farm inn Spettine, date, position, you can not give in to a beautiful hike in the green scenarios Piacenza among the most evocative of the province ...
  • In High Nure for 3 different paths
    starting from the farm La Fattoria
    in the municipality of Bettola, in the direction Ebbio, lies the Farm The Farm and it is from there that start the 3 itineraries, 2 to go on foot, a third motorized or for sports fans and trained, ...
  • Visiting the Val Tidone
    Apollo From the farm to the municipality of Borgonovo and Castel San Giovanni
    Apollo from the farm visit that you should start with the reach the town of Borgonovo Val Tidone. Founded in 1196 by the city of Piacenza ...
  • Walking through Trebbia and Val Nure
    from the farm Chiulano superpanoramic a ring of about 40 km
    to go clockwise, you go down to the Trebbia and climb in Val Nure, among the most beautiful views of the entire territory of Piacenza, with the first leg at Castellaro, ancient sanctuary and place ...
  • Visiting Castell'Arquato
    From the farm Podere Illica in Castell'Arquato
    With just twenty-minute walk from the farm Podere Illica walk you can find out what is considered by many one of the most beautiful towns in Italy ...
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