mercoledì 18 settembre 2024
  • » Discipline in Emilia Romagna

Emilia Romagna, a new framework for state farms in 2008

Discipline in Emilia Romagna

It'was approved by the Regional Council a bill that aims to promote the quality and rurality of farmhouses in the region, enhancing the economic, socio-cultural and environmental development of rural areas, as well as supplement the income of the agricultural enterprise.

The Regional Government of Emilia-Romagna has approved a bill for a new discipline of farmhouses which aims to promote the quality and rural farmhouses of the region. With this bill you want to also enhance the economic, socio-cultural and environmental development of rural areas as well as supplement the income of the agricultural according to the directives of the EU and the new national framework law of the sector, approved by Parliament Italian in February 2006.
The text, which will be discussed by the Legislative Assembly in September, provides constraints to ensure quality, controls and sanctions, incentives to increase the receptivity of the structures and promote regional agriculture and food production typical. "The activity of farmhouses is complementary to agriculture," said the commissioner for Agriculture Tiberio Rabboni.
"The new rules, in which we have taken into account all the interests involved and the point of view of trade associations, aim to encourage quality choices and the characterization of the offer farm".
Under the restrictions established by the bill, the owner of the farm in Emilia-Romagna has to be a farmer and devote the greater number of days worked to agricultural activity. The structures can only be created within existing buildings.
The 80% of the products used for meals will come from the same farm, from local farms or be composed of regional products brand controlled (DOC and DOP), and also for the remaining share meals and drinks should preferably come from artisans food in the area and refer to regional tradition. The restaurant business, finally, may not exceed the average monthly (rather than annual) of 50 daily meals. This limit may be raised two additional meals for every room or pitch present in the farm, to increase the presence of tourists and opportunities to stay in the territory.
As for the controls, are required in the three years and more stringent than those of provinces and municipalities to verify the ownership and the permanence of the subjective requirements and productive. For those who break the rules are provided for the sanctions.
The new regulation promotes quality through the promotion of excellence club, giving them priority in the use of public resources and regional community.
Clubs can be made voluntarily by farms that undertake to respect the particular disciplinary qualitative data concerning the features of buildings, the menu offered, the prevalence of raw materials business, reception services.
Finally, the authorization process will be simplified, so, to pursue the agritourism activities, will be sufficient to present to the City and health authority a declaration of logins.
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