sabato 27 luglio 2024
  • » Painters, Artists, Literature, Fashion ...

Painters, Artists, Literature, Fashion ...

A Review of the women and men who through their talents have brought to the world the name of Piacenza and its territories.
Artists of painting and sculpture, literature and fashion, whose names appear in the books of history and culture, whose works are shown in the most important books in museums.
  • Pacifico Sidoli
    belonged to a family of artists
    acquired a reputation through the stretch and loose end that he used in his work, he studied at Gazzola of Piacenza and Pollinari Bernardino was his teacher ...
  • Francesco Ghittoni
    work his internalized and tormented
    Francesco Ghittoni expresses with his figurative painting and intense existential torment of a man who always had a troubled life ...
  • Painters Piacenza: Osvaldo Bot
    Futurism, Cubism, Surrealism and beyond
    Osvaldo Barbieri, called the Terrible, hence Bot, is definitely artist quirky and whimsical ...
  • Painters Piacenza: Luciano Spazzali
    among his teachers Morandi and Rossi
    Surely among the greatest artists of the '900, shares a stage experimental fantastic themes with Foppiani, Cinello and Armodio ...
  • Painters Piacenza: Luciano Ricchetti
    modern figurative, solid, bright
    supported the movement novecentista reacting, in the years 1930- 40, last decandentismo painting of the nineteenth ...
  • Painters Piacenza: Lodovico Mosconi
    attended the large Chaumière Paris
    Youth attended the study by Luciano Ricchetti and in 1982 the City of Milan organizes a retrospective at the Castle Sforzesco ...
  • Painters Piacenza: Gustavo Foppiani
    painted worlds and dreamlike fable
    From Udine moved to Piacenza in 1930 where, in the second mid-forties, he attended the Art Institute Gazzola ...
  • Painters Piacenza: Giancarlo Braghieri
    his works at the Ricci Oddi of Piacenza
    Institute of Art Gazzola begins his learning, then switches to Fine Arts of Brera and refines the Academy of Venice ...
  • Painters Piacenza: Franco Corradini
    teaches graphics at the Art School
    It is part of the artists of the Gallery Carzaniga & Ueker Basel;works in his studio at the ancient Rock of Borgonovo Val Tidone ...
  • Painters Piacenza: Cinello Losi
    was a student of Alfredo Soressi
    with a group of painters, including Foppiani, Spazzali and Armodio,form the school's fantastic Piacenza ...
  • Painters Piacenza: Bruno Grassi
    Lives and works in an old hermitage
    Not yet twenty starts the exhibition schedule, immediately after graduated from the Art Institute Gazzola ...
  • Painters Piacenza: Armodio
    perfected his technique in the study of Gustavo Foppiani
    at the end of the '60s meets painting Indian, Persian and Japanese and discovers a new vision of colors and techniques ...
  • Painters Piacenza: Alessandra Chiappini
    numerous group exhibitions in Italy and abroad
    graduated in painting with honors at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera with a thesis philosophical and mythological ...
  • Painters Piacenza: William Xerra
    lives and works in Ziano Piacentino
    An art form crossed by experiences such as fragmentation of the image or visual poetry ...
  • Painters Piacenza: Stefano Bruzzi
    opened new paths and perspectives to painting
    Fresh and rural works Stefano Bruzzi ...
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