sabato 27 luglio 2024
  • » Products of Tradition Piacentina

Products of Tradition Piacentina

another good reason to discover the province of Piacenza

The pleasures of good food are another good reason to come and discover the province of Piacenza.
The cuisine is an expression of the deep traditions of the rural culture as the culture of pork processing, from which derive the egregious Piacenza salami, or the traditional processing of cheese, for many years the pillar of the agricultural economy
In many taverns and farmhouses in our valley you can taste the typical dishes of Piacenza and cured meats from local producers.
The province of Piacenza is perhaps the only one in Italy that can boast three sausages recognized with the mark of Protected Designation of Origin.
The meats Piacenza D.O.P. are the salami, coppa and pancetta and especially in Val Tidone are numerous delicatessens that still produce them in a traditional way preserving the flavors and the quality of typical. Obviously we can not mention the DOC wines Colli Piacentini, and in particular Gutturnio, which owes its name to a silver cup of eta 'Roman found in the banks of the Po in the late nineteenth century.
  • The Salumi Piacentini

    The Salumi Piacentini

    Piacenza, like other Po town, belongs to the realm of culture of the pig; various artistic and literary are found throughout Piacenza ...
  • Wines Piacentini

    Wines Piacentini

    The Doc is one, Colli Piacentini, and has 18 sub-zones. Put simply: the Doc is not Gutturnio or Ortrugo but Colli Piacentini Doc Gutturnio, Colli Piacentini Doc Ortrugo and so on ...
  • Grana Padano DOP

    Grana Padano DOP

    Grana Padano DOP is a semi-fat hard cheese, cooked and slow maturation; product with clot acidity of fermentation, dairy cow whose power base is made up of green fodder or preserved ...
  • Il Provolone Valpadana Dop

    Il Provolone Valpadana Dop

    The Piacentino is the only province of Emilia Romagna where you can produce this cheese. The Provolone seems to have origins in medieval times; his work has extended fi n from ancient times to several other locations in the peninsula ...
  • Il Salame Piacentino

    Il Salame Piacentino

    Salame Piacentino is produced with lean pork to which is added a maximum of 15% fat, must weigh no more than one pound and not less than 400 grams ...
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