sabato 27 luglio 2024
  • » Val Trebbia

Val Trebbia

  • route of the castles from the farm Cascina Bosco Gerolo
    exit Cascina Bosco Gerolo, with all that it has got, may regret a little '... but we say that we are very close to visit this "Tour of the castles" ...
  • from the farm La Madre Pietra to the mystic mountain: La Pietra Parcellaria
    About two kilometers from the farm Mother Stone we can reach on foot in about half an hour one of the most beautiful places of the province, the crest of the massive stone Parcellara...
  • from the Farmhouse Il Poggio Cardinal history and landscapes
    a journey of about 60 km jumping from one valley to another, from one river to another, from one castle to another! We are in the low val thresh, the gateway to one of the most beautiful tourist ar...
  • from the farm Paderna excursion not to be missed
    a ring along a little less than 10 km that you cover in about two hours of pleasant and easy walk that leads to places with unique charm of simplicity and naturalness ...
  • From La Corte del Gallo in Rivergaro, Ancarano and Gazzola
    This first itinerary you can go with car or mountain bike, and allows you to admire churches, castles and dive in the green rolling hills of Piacenza ....
  • Rivergaro and its territory offers numerous possibilities
    Very beautiful is the parish church of Sant'Agata which stands in the square, right next to the castle Anguissola - Scotti, dating from the early nineteenth century and is a typical construction ...
  • to visit Brugnello, Marsaglia, Ozzola and Metteglia
    n Alta Val Trebbia, along the road leading to Genoa and that forks with Aveto, the territory was affected by numerous ...
  • Nature trail in Val Trebbia
    Immediately upstream of the Stone take a comfortable cart that leaves the main road, on the left side ...
  • a pristine environment that is 500 mt. altitude
    The country, which has around Piazza della Vittoria, is dominated by the remains of the fortress of the Malaspina, and only the strong stone walls ...
  • High Trebbia
    For this appointment Routes Piacentini we went to Coli, small mountain of the Apennines that sits at the foot of Mount St. Augustine ...
  • ideal for walking and hiking
    In medieval times it was a fief of the family before Nicelli, then the Visconti and later of the Dal Verme. And 'only since 1923 ...
  • hiking, walking, fresh air and relaxation
    Located in a pleasant valley of the mountains that flank the right bank of the Trebbia in a landscape of pastures, chestnut and beech forests, to which ...
  • Visit to Bobbio
    Bobbio is certainly one of the historic centers of tourist interest of Piacenza. Among the major monuments stands the Ponte Vecchio ...
  • where the Trebbia begins to reveal itself in all its beauty
    beautiful and large courtyard, with covered spaces, is perfect for snacks, buffet, cocktails, as well as receptions and ceremonies, thanks to its capacity of about 100 seats ...
  • Rivergaro March 11 to April 22
    The program includes a review of the Dialect Comedy at the 'Auditorium of the House of the People in Rivergaro ...
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