martedì 22 ottobre 2024
  • » Lungo il Po

Lungo il Po

  • From La Bassanine along the Po
    Monticelli is located in a large bend on the right bank of the Po, in the north-eastern province ...
  • From the farm Boschi Celati to visit along the Po
    From the farm Boschi Celati in a few minutes drive you can visit the towns of Caorso, San Nazzaro and Roncarolo ...
  • along the Po from Piacenza to Caorso, Monticelli and Castelvetro Piacentino
    along the Po from Piacenza to Caorso, Monticelli and Castelvetro Piacentino
  • Excellence of Verdi's land
    Farm Bassanine offers daily stays and flexible solutions rest day or night as well as good food, to serve the needs of those who work in the territory ...
  • Visit to Caledasco
    This route has as a destination resort that is located on the outskirts of the city, where the low Trebbia intersects with Val Tidone ...
  • Routes in Val Tidone - Castel San Giovanni
    Among the pearls of art history to visit this country in the first place keeps the Collegiate Church of St. John, dating from the fourteenth century ...
  • below the monastery of Nonantola from 600 to the ninth century
    the lordship of Monticelli was held by the Visconti and the Sforza and the '400 by Rolando Pallavicino that with "the Magnificent" saw expand its borders from the Apennines mountains to the Po; Fin...
  • In Castel San Giovanni from 8 to 10 June 2017
    Ninth edition of the appointment of good music ... alternative
  • A Castelvetro Piacentino from June 30 to July 16, 2017
    During the festival, all the food stands evenings ...
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