venerdì 17 gennaio 2025
  • » Emilia Romagna and its Traditions

Emilia Romagna its history and its traditions

Emilia Romagna and its Traditions

The Emilia Romagna region of northern Italy's 4 million inhabitants, with capital Bologna. It is bordered on the east by the Adriatic Sea, to the north with the Veneto and Lombardy, to the west with Piedmont and Liguria, south of Tuscany, the Marches and the Republic of San Marino. It is made by joining two historic regions, Emilia, which includes the provinces of Piacenza, Parma, Reggio, Modena, Ferrara and part of the province of Bologna with the capital, and the Romagna with the remaining provinces of Ravenna, Rimini , Forli - Cesena and the eastern part of the province of Bologna. The historical Romagna, however, cover territories in the Marche and Tuscany.
The areas that make up the region today are populated since ancient times, as revealed by various findings. The most significant case is that of the site of Monte Poggiolo at Forli, where were found thousands of artefacts dating to around 800,000 years ago, demonstrating that the area was already inhabited in the Palaeolithic. The Emilia-Romagna region is mostly flat, in fact the plains occupy 47.8% of its territory. The hills, 27.1% of the territory, and the mountains, 25.1% of the territory, are located in the south of the region. The main state entities that have characterized the historical territory of the region are the Duchy of Parma, the Duchy of Modena and Reggio and the Duchy of Ferrara; Romagna was part, for twelve centuries, the Papal States, while Bologna was a border town between Longobardia and Romania, but between various events the Papal States has almost always had the upper hand until the Risorgimento.
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