domenica 8 dicembre 2024
  • » Piacenza


  • Route of museums Piacenza
    all the museums of Piacenza with location and visiting hours, type of exposure, characteristics, contact museums and secretaries ...
  • From Agriturismo Cà Longa in Piacenza
    Piazza Cavalli is' the heart of the city of Piacenza, and from here the route to the discovery of the historic center of the city ...
  • the Brotherhood of Grass, Piacenza, 2013
    No doubt about it. Among foodies and good connoisseurs we understand. And then their utility ciceroni meilleure table of the best place to ...
  • di Eugenio Gazzola, Piacenza, Fondazione di Piacenza e Vigevano, 2013
    They are there to look for centuries, Ranuccio and Alessandro. Watch the beautiful square with their imposing size. And tell us about a Piacenza old ...
  • di Marco Carminati, Antonella Gigli e Stefano Zuffi, Torino, Allemandi, 2013
    Sponsored by Bank of Piacenza, the book traces the story of the famous painting commissioned to Raphael by Pope Julius II in 1512 ...
  • di Carla Scotti, Bologna, I.ter, 2013
    Rocks, soils, plants, legal, crops, monuments, museums, castles, recipes: elements that tell us of the richness of our land and effort ...
  • di Fabrizio Achilli edito da Scritture, 2014
    The purpose of redemption Political and economic revitalization through new course Italian and European part of a province with ambitions ..
  • di Filippo Arcelloni edito da Pontegobbo, 2013
    The present work is the relationship-witness Don Filippo Arcelloni, pastor of Pecorara between 1937 and 1949. It traces the set of events ...
  • di Massimo Solari edito da LIR, 2012
    Piacenza was an important Roman city, the center of events known or not known. In this rigorous, passionate and amused reconstruction ...
  • di Giulio Cattivelli edito da Pontegobbo, 2012
    Fascism, war, the Liberation in Piacenza are investigated by the great Cat with clarity and without emphasis: "Grace Under Pressure" he said Hemingway ...
  • di Daniele Bua edito da Simple, 2011
    According to the official version of the Risorgimento was glorious company, a process that took part in the mass of the Italian ...
  • belonged to a family of artists
    acquired a reputation through the stretch and loose end that he used in his work, he studied at Gazzola of Piacenza and Pollinari Bernardino was his teacher ...
  • work his internalized and tormented
    Francesco Ghittoni expresses with his figurative painting and intense existential torment of a man who always had a troubled life ...
  • charming movie with beautiful pictures and beautiful story
    charming movie with beautiful pictures and beautiful story
  • the city of Piacenza in photos
    the city of Piacenza in photos
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