domenica 8 dicembre 2024
  • » Val Tidone

Val Tidone

  • The route from the farm Negrese a ring over the vla Tidone
    a circular route covering almost 80 km for about 2 hours by car, visiting castles and collegiate, immersed in the green valleys Tidone, Trebbia and small Luretta ...
  • Podere Casale from the farm through the vineyards of the Val Tidone
    Podere Casale is the ideal starting point because these aspects are the features that characterize it, perfectly expressed in his wine products ...
  • The Wanderer from the farm two paths for two different days
    first itinerary visiting the Golf Club La Bastardina, the second route instead toward different stages that close to a ring for a total of about 50 km that you cover in just over an hour by car and...
  • from the Farm Villa Paradiso between medium and high val Tidone
    a path of strong meaning, which combines the ancient traditions, environment and good food, the most evocative of the province of Piacenza, was only for what the mills are in these parts ...
  • Apollo From the farm to the municipality of Borgonovo and Castel San Giovanni
    Apollo from the farm visit that you should start with the reach the town of Borgonovo Val Tidone. Founded in 1196 by the city of Piacenza ...
  • Val Tidone in the municipality of Pianello
    Embedded in rock, overseeing the valleys of the rivers Tidone and Chiarone, Castrum Olzisij is one of the oldest and most striking castles ...
  • dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta
    The foundation of the church dates back to the eighth century. AD at the hands of Burnengo or Buringo, Lombard prince. The parish already existed ...
  • in the center of the country is impressive and well preserved
    Presumably a fortified village already existed in the year 1216, when the day of Pentecost met there militias Piacenza and ...
  • of the eighteenth century is the oldest of the valley
    Land that typically Marian sarmatese! In his parish churches are the roots Lombard: Sarmato dedicated to St. Maria Assunta...
  • history of the saint who scored markedly Christianity in Sarmato
    The history of San Rocco, his holiness, his experiences in Sarmato spread throughout Christendom by the pilgrims who were standing here ...
  • with the Archaeological Museum of Valtidone
    ordered and manicured vineyards covering gently rolling hills in a fervent campaign of activity to be a reality, certainly economic ...
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