domenica 16 febbraio 2025
  • » Phoyogallery of Piacentino

Phoyogallery Piacenza Province

Phoyogallery of Piacentino

Soon a section dedicated to the most beautiful pictures of Piacenza and Piacenza.
A gallery to tell the city and its valleys through shots copyright, beautiful pictures that speak of the earth Piacenza, its history, its beauty, its streets, squares, the views to witness the value of an area, from natural tourist and resort.
Hundreds of photos that will also speak of the people, of a people, the Piacenza, strongly linked to its land, its traditions, its values. Images also documenting moments of celebration, participation, cohesion.
And of hospitality, the sincere, true, that every day, in the cozy rooms of farmhouses Piacenza is offered with open arms.
Why Piacenza and its cottages are not only synonymous with a kitchen among the most delicious in Italy (and the world), where the products are first queli a healthy earth and unspoiled, offering taste and authenticity, but the Piacenza is also history of friendship, cordiality, sympathy, welfare.
A persto, then, and for those who want to start already, can send his pictures to: Roberto Rossi - (will be published in the caption describing the photo and the name of its author)
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