mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024
  • » City and Province of Piacenza

City and Province of Piacenza

  • visit Piacenza

    Routes Piacenza city

    Piacenza is a city that offers discreet, to be discovered at a slow pace and head held high, with a drink or an aperitif in the good coffee that open their doors on high walls and ancient ...
  • from Piacenza to Castelvetro Piacentino

    Along the Po Piacentino

    Along the Po lie still many of these ancient images, protected over time by an unfailing light rarefied, in the warm months in the heat that surrounds the great river, in the cold months for the mist that penetrates the bones and drawing views of a suggestion incomparable ...
  • visit the Val d'Arda

    Routes in Val d'Arda

    Bordering borders with Parma Apennines and traveled by river Arda, Val d'Arda is the valley of the province of Piacenza. Val d'Arda converge minor valleys of Riglio, Vezzeno, the Chero, Chiavenna ...
  • visit the Valnure

    Routes in Val Nure

    Bordering borders with Parma Apennines and traveled by river Arda, Val d'Arda is the valley of the province of Piacenza. Val d'Arda converge minor valleys of Riglio, Vezzeno, the Chero, Chiavenna
  • visit the Val Tidone

    Routes in Val Tidone

    With less Luretta, Val Tidone occupies the southwestern part of the province of Piacenza and is reached along the highway of wines to Castel San Giovanni, or the state Emilia Pavese leading to Voghera and Tortona...
  • visit Trebbia

    Routes in Val Trebbia

    Trebbia is a succession of landscapes of great beauty, this is stage of thousands of visitors and travelers who will find an ideal place to find serenity and peace elsewhere lost ...
  • visit Chero

    Routes in Chero

    Archaeology, walks through castles and gullies, gastronomy are the three keys to those who decided to visit the Chero. Situated between Laval d'Arda and Nure, has among its most important chapters of history ....
  • visit the Val Luretta

    Routes in Val Luretta

    Trebbia extends along the namesake river waters largely bathing, and leads in Liguria. In addition to the beautiful old town of Bobbio Trebbia offers visitors many small towns rich in castles, monasteries and beautiful landscapes. Important side valley is Val Luretta absolutely be discovered for its characteristic views and its lovely natural environments.
  • Museum Fernando Pizzamiglio - The Tosa
    present more than 400 objects from the early nineteenth early twentieth century
    Family Pizzamiglio meaning that covers this museum is deep and cross-linking as the pleasure of a great passion, the need to preserve the memory of a vanished world ...
  • Castles in Piacenza: la Rocca d'Olgisio
    Val Tidone in the municipality of Pianello
    Embedded in rock, overseeing the valleys of the rivers Tidone and Chiarone, Castrum Olzisij is one of the oldest and most striking castles ...
  • Churches in Piacenza: the parish church of Sarmato
    dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta
    The foundation of the church dates back to the eighth century. AD at the hands of Burnengo or Buringo, Lombard prince. The parish already existed ...
  • Castle Sarmato
    in the center of the country is impressive and well preserved
    Presumably a fortified village already existed in the year 1216, when the day of Pentecost met there militias Piacenza and ...
  • The sanctuary of Caravaggio in Sarmato
    of the eighteenth century is the oldest of the valley
    Land that typically Marian sarmatese! In his parish churches are the roots Lombard: Sarmato dedicated to St. Maria Assunta...
  • San Rocco patron of Sarmato
    history of the saint who scored markedly Christianity in Sarmato
    The history of San Rocco, his holiness, his experiences in Sarmato spread throughout Christendom by the pilgrims who were standing here ...
  • To visit: Rivergaro
    Rivergaro and its territory offers numerous possibilities
    Very beautiful is the parish church of Sant'Agata which stands in the square, right next to the castle Anguissola - Scotti, dating from the early nineteenth century and is a typical construction ...
  • Corte Brugnatella in Alta Val Trebbia
    to visit Brugnello, Marsaglia, Ozzola and Metteglia
    n Alta Val Trebbia, along the road leading to Genoa and that forks with Aveto, the territory was affected by numerous ...
  • La Pietra Parcellara
    Nature trail in Val Trebbia
    Immediately upstream of the Stone take a comfortable cart that leaves the main road, on the left side ...
  • Ottone in Alta Val Trebbia
    a pristine environment that is 500 mt. altitude
    The country, which has around Piazza della Vittoria, is dominated by the remains of the fortress of the Malaspina, and only the strong stone walls ...
  • Comune patrocinante: Coli
    High Trebbia
    For this appointment Routes Piacentini we went to Coli, small mountain of the Apennines that sits at the foot of Mount St. Augustine ...
  • Villages of Piacenza valleys: Coli
    ideal for walking and hiking
    In medieval times it was a fief of the family before Nicelli, then the Visconti and later of the Dal Verme. And 'only since 1923 ...
  • Places Alta Val Trebbia: Cerignale
    hiking, walking, fresh air and relaxation
    Located in a pleasant valley of the mountains that flank the right bank of the Trebbia in a landscape of pastures, chestnut and beech forests, to which ...
  • Routes in Chero: Val Vezzeno
    Visit Val Vezzeno
    How many beautiful surprises reserve our province! This I say and I repeat every time "Routes piacentini" calls me ...
  • Routes in Val Chero Gropparello
    visit to Gropparello
    Popular in summer for its happy hillside location is known for its castles. In fact the history of the country is linked to that of its castle that rises ...
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