martedì 22 ottobre 2024
  • » Val Chero

Val Chero

  • Visit Val Vezzeno
    How many beautiful surprises reserve our province! This I say and I repeat every time "Routes piacentini" calls me ...
  • visit to Gropparello
    Popular in summer for its happy hillside location is known for its castles. In fact the history of the country is linked to that of its castle that rises ...
  • capital of Chero and capital of the cup
    The country has a strong connotation of ancient fortress that gives the village a special charm. Nearby ...
  • A Carpaneto Piacentino from June 30 to July 2, 2017
    peasant festival dedicated to the delicious summer fruit ...
  • A Gropparello 15 to 16 July 2017
    Twenty-eighth edition of the popular country festival Peasant Party ...
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