mercoledģ 23 ottobre 2024

by Nure high val d'Arda

from the farm Cą Sonino a fascinating journey to be made on 2Ruote

by Nure high val d'Arda
From Rigolo, where Cą Sonino, there is plenty of choice, including routes to be equipped with good hiking boots, for hikers, others to go on board the car or, even better, of 2Ruote, are motorcycles that mountain biking.
Rigolo Church is a village located a few hundred meters upstream of Ca Sonino, where time seems to stand still. Here you can stay in beautiful rooms that recall of the rural village.
Go down and headed for Bettola, to see on the right, after a few km, the castle of Caminata, ancient structure with a front to all arches.
Once in Bettola you visit the country, stopping in the central square that houses the statue of Christopher Columbus and where is the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Quercia, nineteenth-century building beautifully crafted, with a very interesting interior.
A stop and a walk to appreciate the long Nure, and then begin to rise to straddle the Nure Valley with a path to be experienced, where the province of Piacenza offers the best of themselves.
And 'the provincial road 67 that leads to Val d'Arda, in his heart of Morfasso representing right leg after having widened his eyes to the wild environment that we crossed. And there's more ...
It will be the county road 51, that the high val d'Arda us back, always along glimpses of mountain overtime, in high Val Nure, crossing Santa Franca before, Stomboli then, to reach Groppallo, the other leg of this amazing itinerary!
A few minutes to breathe in the fresh air and sound of these hills, and then down to our final goal, one from which we started, Farmhouse Ca Sonino, where we will find the best for the pleasure of the flavors and aromas of good food Piacenza.
We will stop even one or more nights in the rooms of this beautiful structure, where the family Callegari will give us the pleasure of dining and family hospitality.
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