Walking through Trebbia and Val Nure
from the farm Chiulano superpanoramic a ring of about 40 km

This route runs between the Trebbia and Val Nure and Chiulano part from the farm, in the village, a small hamlet of houses where peace reigns supreme, scented and flavored specialties prepared in this corner of haute cuisine Piacenza.
The proposed route has stages and very interesting mix of environmental excellence to those historical and artistic landscape.
The ring is covered in a clockwise direction and descend, then, towards the Trebbia and then up from Val Nure.
The first stage is to Castellaro with its ancient sanctuary, a place of worship mentioned since 1339, which stands on high ground once occupied by a fortress of which no trace remains; you stop, you take some photos and admire the beautiful surroundings.
Then on to the main road that crosses 45 after a few km, He turns to the valley, to the left, to get to Travo, which is accessed through the bridge that runs over the river Trebbia and where you stop for a walk to the discovery of some emergencies historical features of this third stage.
The route goes back on SS 45 and always coming down the valley, a few kilometers before Fabbiano, turn right towards Monte Travaso Mandrola long road that leads to one of the most beautiful scenic roads of Piacenza, the so-called Bagnolo.
Among sweeping views and green fields that cover these gentle slopes, is over the pass from the Val Nure Trebbia, where after a steep descent you reach the village of Pontedell'Olio, stage with short stop for refreshments and take a walk along the street Central.
It starts to arrive in a few minutes, going up the valley, in the village of Riva. Here is the eponymous castle built mainly with stones and pebbles of Nure.
We are now ready to complete our day, returning to the Farm Chiulano where we expect what we have left: flavors and aromas of Piacenza goodness!
per info 0523.878811