mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024

In Piacentino greener ...

Podere Casale from the farm through the vineyards of the Val Tidone

In Piacentino greener ...
This route is full of plein air, to live freely and breathe in a territory of hardworking people, colors, nature and love for the environment.
Podere Casale is the ideal starting point because these aspects are the features that characterize it, perfectly expressed in his wine products in welcoming and familiar, warm and pleasant.
The route winds through the beautiful streets bordering vast expanses of vineyards, meticulously maintained and ordered to signify the passion and the careful and capable hands of the man who here is one with nature.
You can travel by car, motorcycle or wasp, for a distance of 33 km that are covered in about an hour.
Very nice also for cyclists and mountain bikers to engage about 3 hours riding in the green of these peaceful hills, or, for those who love hiking, the path asks about 6 hours of good walking.
A ring that rises and falls by these gentle slopes and accompanying in a fascinating landscape, where the quiet reigning is a blessing, as to instill a spa that stretches, relaxes and is the bearer of that balance psychophysical that few places can offer.
It starts from the farm Podere Casale towards Montalbo, to continue along the SP 44 for Vicomarino first, then Albareto and finally the Corano, a small charming village, where you can stop for refreshments.
We leave for Castelnuovo, then Seminò before reaching another stop on this route, which is represented by Ziano Piacentino, common Prince of Val Tidone, especially with regard to wine production.
Here you visit the center through a pleasant walk and drink a good red, strictly local, in one of the rooms to be found along the walk.
The return on the SP 27, past the village of Colombaia Guffanti, you reach the starting point, the Podere Casale, relax maybe covering those lovely places fixed by our camera, or, given the modern times, from our smartphones or tablet, to be able to quickly share, greeting our friends with images that will result in a little '... healthy envy!
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