mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024
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Vineyards, castles, squares and ancient villages ...

The route from the farm Negrese a ring over the vla Tidone

Vineyards, castles, squares and ancient villages ...
From the farm The Negrese known destination Piacenza for a holiday of good food and good drink, with fine wines of own production, the route goes along the Trebbia to return after about 80 km to a 'hour and 50 minutes by car or, maybe, riding a motorcycle.
The first stop is Borgonovo Val Tidone, where you stop to visit the thirteenth-century fortress and the Collegiate.
Next stop is Pianello Tidone valley, up the valley to a stop in the beautiful central square of the town and to visit the fortress city, seat of the Archaeological Museum.
On a spur of rock, a few minutes from the town, is the fortress of Olgisio, one of the most beautiful historical finds of Piacenza, mighty bulwark.
It's walk from Val Tidone to reach Piozzano, the center of the nice val Luretta, where small rural villages, mostly in stone, dominate the landscape.
A few miles away is Agazzano, with its beautiful square where refreshments, before making a visit to the castle Anguissola Scotti of the thirteenth century.
The direction now is Gazzola and then Trebbia, where close to the river, is one of the most interesting castles of the province of Piacenza: the castle of Rivalta.
The stop is a must, even for a rest in the shade of the trees that protect this ancient manor.
Climb the beautiful road along the river Trebbia, past the village of Tuna known for its lakes, then the town of Gragnano, before finding the SP 10 where, at the village of Rottofreno, turn left and, passed through the center of Sarmato, it makes a stop in Fontana Pradosa to visit the natural springs.
The last stop before returning to the Farm The Negrese is Castel San Giovanni. It is an ancient market town, known for the production of soft cheese spicy, where he makes a stop in the main square before visiting the Collegiate fourteenth century.
The entire route covers almost 80 km for about 2 hours drive.
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