lunedì 10 febbraio 2025

Between churches and castles in Lower Trebbia

From La Corte del Gallo in Rivergaro, Ancarano and Gazzola

Between churches and castles in Lower Trebbia
This first route you can 'go backpacking ... but if you have little time or are untrained is advisable to go along in the car to devote more time to the wonderful offers this territory starting from Rivergaro.
The country of Rivergaro is located a few kilometers from the 'Corte del Gallo, in the lower Val Trebbia, in the area of ??the Colli Piacentini, at the point where the plain ends and the valley begins to narrow.
The northern part of its territory is flat while the south is hilly, of particular interest is the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie, which stands on the ruins of the castle in an elevated position overlooking the square and has elements of Romanesque style.
Pilgrimage destination is reached by a road on a steep slope.
The Church of St. Agatha, placed next to the villa is built in neoclassical style by Tomba and the Oratory of San Rocco, rebuilt in 1613, houses a Madonna with Child between St. Lucia and Biagio's Pitocchetto.
Other stops on our itinerary is a visit to Ancarano with its Churches of Our Lady of Mercy, Our Lady of Charity, San Rocco, and Our Lady of Peace, over all''interessante Bell Tower.
"If you're tired of visiting churches and castles", but especially if you have your little ones with you, can not miss a relaxing soak in
Tuna, famous for its lakes where you can go fishing.
Before returning to the Farm to rest and enjoy a delicious dinner you can make a stop in
Gazzola, where there are many historical remains that we see in this town, the most spectacular are the castles, especially that of Rivalta.
To conclude your tour we recommend to take the path that passes through Momeliano because very scenic as it winds through the green rolling hills of Piacenza.
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