mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024

Alla scoperta delle terre e dei tesori piacentini

di Carla Scotti, Bologna, I.ter, 2013

Alla scoperta delle terre e dei tesori piacentini
Rocks, soils, plants, legal, crops, monuments, museums, castles, recipes: elements that tell us of the richness of our land and the effort made by man to millennial increase it and enhance it. In this brochure we are scientifically accompanied in the story of the territory in its plot consists of local products, nature, environment, history and human activity.

The gaze is directed in particular at the Piacenza area pertaining to the Road of the Po and the flavors of Piacenza and the low road of wines and flavors of Piacenza hills, and, as we say the curators (coordination is by Carla Scotti), travel with these guidelines "is an invitation to a different way of perceiving the land, landscape and its architectural, cultural, culture and food and wine."
So let's start with an illustration of the landscape and the territory as a whole, accompanied by photos of the author; with subsequent "trip notes" the traveler is accompanied to the treasures of Piacenza, represented by the main scenic beauty, culinary and historical architecture. They are also given the museums and information points.

From the lands of the river Po, where the semi-circular arrangement assumed by agricultural fields and the main roads testifies to the presence of the riverbed where once the Po flowed, to the lands of the flood plain, where the landscape is marked by irrigated meadows, fields wheat, corn and tomato, passing in the red earth ancient soils characterized by the oldest of the entire territory of Emilia-Romagna is an unusual journey in our province, able to show you the wealth of a territory symbol of the work of generations of farmers.
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