martedì 22 ottobre 2024



One proceeds to the so-called "purging", which consists in positioning the slugs closed in a container of corrugated cardboard or tin, on a bed of bran for about a week. If the snails were hibernating you can proceed immediately to avoid sunburn this step. In the case of purging is necessary to thoroughly wash the snails and then dip them in boiling water where they will remain for about 15 minutes.

Once drained and extracted from the shell, with the aid of the appropriate fork double-headed, we proceed with the removal of the inside, that is the gut, then pass them in a dish with corn meal that will be useful to remove the slimy, with a simple strofinata.La cleaning, which must be quite thorough, continues in warm water, help with a cloth, until you switch to the final rinse in plenty of water corrente.Altre techniques for cleaning the snails, in use in the territory of Piacenza: the first is to leave the snails in boiling water for a quarter of an hour, then shelled and washed in warm water, then immerse in a bowl with 5/6 dribs salt and white wine warm, where they will remain for a few hours . It ends with a vigorous scrub lose because the slimy, the removal of entrails, refurbishment bathroom in another white wine and one final wash in cold water.

A final method involves boiling the snails still closed for about half an hour, it removes the shell and proceed with a thorough washing based on plenty of warm water, salt, vinegar and two handfuls of cornmeal, one in a rub with extreme care for three or four times until you feel more slippery. It eliminates the internal and sciaqua in running water.

For snails that are in winter hibernation, simply boil them in a pot with boiling water; arrived halfway through cooking are extracted from the shell, the black part of the intestine is removed and washed in running water.
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