sabato 14 settembre 2024
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Eating in Piacentino

Home Page
A territory to be discovered by following the aromas and flavors of its fine cuisine, made of local produce that, here more than elsewhere, gives authenticity and purity.
Here is an explanation of the reasons for success, that of Kitchen Piacenza, which calls every day, all year, connoisseurs and gourmets, to sit at the table and enjoy a moment of pleasure, of taste, but also conviviality, cordiality, of serenity.

Eating in Piacentino is dedicated to those who love good food, the traditions of a land, the ancient flavors.
But not only. Eating in Piacentino is to discover the best local and its main actors, those cooks, those chefs that give prestige to a place, which are part of the history of a people.
Eating in Piacentino is a guide to the city of Piacenza and its province, through routes well described that lead visiting places not to be missed.
All sections of the site contain writings of journalists and lovers of this land halfway between Emilia and Lombardy, to describe the features and characteristics that have made Piacenza and its territory one of the emerging destinations of our bell'Italia.
The city finds its description through dedicated boards to monuments, palaces, churches, museums, squares, views that surround the historical aspect / art of a city capable of surprising, while the province is subdivided into valleys, from the Val Nure thresh, from Val Tidone Val d'Arda, the lower Val Luretta and Chero, without forgetting the path of great environment that runs along the river Po, and track the regional border.

Eating in Piacentino is also Mobile App for iOS and Android, to move with ease and dexterity along with the recommended routes, to live with modernity this beautiful city of Emilia, important stage for the upcoming EXPO 2015.
Download on Your Smartphone and Tablet App Eating in the Piacentino and parties to discover the flavors, the Taste of Hospitality in the Province of Piacenza! A territory to be discovered by following the aromas and flavors of its fine cuisine, made of local produce that, here more than elsewhere, gives authenticity and purity.
Here is an explanation of the reasons for success, that of Kitchen Piacenza, which calls every day, all year, connoisseurs and gourmets, to sit at the table and enjoy a moment of pleasure, of taste, but also conviviality, cordiality, of serenity.

Eating in Piacentino is dedicated to those who love good food, the traditions of a land, the ancient flavors.
But not only. Eating in Piacentino is to discover the best local and its main actors, those cooks, those chefs that give prestige to a place, which are part of the history of a people.
Eating in Piacentino is a guide to the city of Piacenza and its province, through routes well described that lead visiting places not to be missed.
All sections of the site contain writings of journalists and lovers of this land halfway between Emilia and Lombardy, to describe the features and characteristics that have made Piacenza and its territory one of the emerging destinations of our bell'Italia .
The city finds its description through dedicated boards to monuments, palaces, churches, museums, squares, views that surround the historical aspect / art of a city capable of surprising, while the province is subdivided into valleys, from the Val Nure thresh, from Val Tidone Val d'Arda, the lower Val Luretta and Chero, without forgetting the path of great environment that runs along the river Po, and track the regional border.

Eating in Piacentino is also Mobile App for iOS and Android, to move with ease and dexterity along with the recommended routes, to live with modernity this beautiful city of Emilia, important stage for the upcoming EXPO 2015.
Download on Your Smartphone and Tablet App Eating in the Piacentino and parties to discover the flavors, the Taste of Hospitality in the Province of Piacenza!
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