sabato 27 luglio 2024
  • » Review of the best Farm Piacentino divided by valleys and areas

Review of the best Farm Piacentino divided by valleys and areas

Visit Piacenza and Piacentino

Review of the best Farm Piacentino divided by valleys and areas
Browse and discover the best of Farms Piacentino, all tested and guaranteed, for the warm welcome, to the delicious cuisine of Piacenza, for the genuineness of the specialties offered.

Be guided by Piacentini Farms, the site that brings you to live the province of Piacenza, to make the best of this beautiful land where the culture of good food is rooted in the history of this hospitable people.

A day, a weekend, a holiday exploring the valleys of Piacenza and its long-Po, is an amazing experience, for the beauty of its views, to the flavors of his table ...
elcome to the Piacentino

Select here Your Farm

City area and surroundings

Agriturismo Cà Longa

Lungo il Po
Agriturismo Boschi Celati
Agriturismo Bassanine

Val d'Arda
Agriturismo Podere Illica
Agriturismo La Risorgiva
Agriturismo Enoturismo Wine b&b Cardinali

Val Nure
Agriturismo Cà Sonino
Agriturismo di Chiulano
Azienda Agrituristica La Fattoria
Agriturismo La Favorita
Agriturismo La Tosa
Agriturismo Locanda di Spettine

Val Tidone
Agriturismo Apollo
Agriturismo Il Negrese
Agriturismo Il Viandante
Agriturismo Podere Casale
Agriturismo Villa Paradiso

Val Trebbia
Agriturismo Cascina Bosco Gerolo
Agriturismo Corte del Gallo
Agriturismo Il Poggio Cardinale
Agriturismo La Madre Pietra
Agriturismo Paderna
Agriturismo Ranch Bellaria
Agriturismo Torre Maestri

Val Chero
Agriturismo Casa Rosa

Val Luretta
Agriturismo Agronauta
Agriturismo Il Gelso
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