mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024

A scene open - open day historical theaters

Vigoleno (fraz.Vernasca) Castle of Vigoleno the April 8, 2017

A scene open - open day historical theaters
With the project "To open stage" - Open Day Historical Theaters 2017 ", the Institute for Artistic, Cultural and Natural Heritage of Emilia Romagna Region intends to improve and promote the knowledge of historic theaters from Piacenza to Rimini.
There are 38 theaters in Emilia-Romagna that have joined the initiative, offering diversified and interesting events over the weekend of 8 and 9 April.
The historic theaters, fascinating places that represent a historical, architectural and artistic center of great importance, to offer the public performances of music, dance, drama and guided tours.
L 'on April 8, the Municipal Administration of Vernasca, in collaboration with IBC offers free guided tours to the small private theater of the Castle of Vigoleno.
Saturday, April 8

From 15.00 to 18.30 show "MUSIC AND SNACK IN THE CASTLE". Participants in the tour of the theater of the castle will be able to listen to a string trio that performs with the baroque repertoire. While listening, visitors will snack with sweets of the castle.

From 15.00 to 17.30 guided tours of the theater every 30 minutes, for groups up to 25 people.

Meet the guide at the ticket office of the keep.
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