sabato 27 luglio 2024

Eventi 2017

  • Hunt Stars
    A Grazzano Visconti June 24, 2017
    Starry night to spend time in the company ...
  • Feast of Plums
    A Carpaneto Piacentino from June 30 to July 2, 2017
    peasant festival dedicated to the delicious summer fruit ...
  • the skewer Festival
    A Castelvetro Piacentino from June 30 to July 16, 2017
    During the festival, all the food stands evenings ...
  • tortello Festival
    A Vigolzone between the third and fourth week of July
    The tortelli Festival is one of the largest and most famous festivals ...
  • Farmer's Feast
    A Gropparello 15 to 16 July 2017
    Twenty-eighth edition of the popular country festival Peasant Party ...
  • Comedy Festival dialect
    Rivergaro March 11 to April 22
    The program includes a review of the Dialect Comedy at the 'Auditorium of the House of the People in Rivergaro ...
  • A scene open - open day historical theaters
    Vigoleno (fraz.Vernasca) Castle of Vigoleno the April 8, 2017
    With the project "To open stage" - Open Day Historical Theaters in 2017 ", the Institute for Artistic, Cultural and Natural ...
  • Rock in Villa
    In Castel San Giovanni from 8 to 10 June 2017
    Ninth edition of the appointment of good music ... alternative
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