lunedì 10 febbraio 2025

Gropparello Castle, Graziano Visconti and ...

AMA from the farm a ring of about 60 km for a full day

Gropparello Castle, Graziano Visconti and ...
From the farm AMA continue towards Pontedell'Olio and passed, turn left at the town of Biana on SP 75.
Continue along a road like motorcyclists, full of twists and turns, we come first in loc. Banzola, then Barzano before arriving in Gropparello where the first stage, the castle, is a rich treasure trove of surprises.
After visiting the ancient manor continue towards Carpaneto Piacentino, perhaps with a stop for a drink in the pretty central square, before continuing on to San Giorgio Piacentino and then Vigolzone, where halfway you can not miss the walk inside the village of Grazzano Visconti.
From there return the Farm.
Of particular interest to wine lovers, but not only, visit the Company farm La Tosa, which is only a mile and that, in addition to being Farm Excellence of the province of Piacenza, then great gastronomic reference, contains among its walls of a small but well-stocked Museum La Tosa that collects and recounts its path centuries of history of wine, the product that makes this company one of the leading excellence of Piacenza.
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