martedì 22 ottobre 2024

Agriturismo AMA

good local food specialties

Agriturismo AMA
A few minutes from the center of Vigolzone, reached by climbing on the right edge of the town.
Fits in an environment of strong suggestion, where the Val Nure goes to lap the foothills of Val Trebbia. The farm is on land surrounding the farm, with cultivation of vineyards and orchards, then wheat fields and woods for beautiful walks. It also has numerous cows on a appezzameno of land that is located in the municipality of Vigolzone.
Agriturismo AMA
is ideal for tasting good Piacenza specialties prepared according to traditional recipes of Piacenza. Particularly appreciated even at weddings and ceremonies in general due to the large banqueting rooms, Agriturismo AMA is a great reference for pleasant days stay in the comfortable rooms all with private facilities. Here you live the pleasure of the outdoors, to discover the beautiful hills and the city of Piacenza , easily reached in about 15 minutes, through the sliding path of Val Nure.
  • chiusura settimanale: sempre aperto
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Loc. Campogrande
  • Località: Vigolzone
  • tel 0523.870946
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