lunedì 9 dicembre 2024


  • route of the castles from the farm Cascina Bosco Gerolo
    exit Cascina Bosco Gerolo, with all that it has got, may regret a little '... but we say that we are very close to visit this "Tour of the castles" ...
  • from the Farmhouse Il Poggio Cardinal history and landscapes
    a journey of about 60 km jumping from one valley to another, from one river to another, from one castle to another! We are in the low val thresh, the gateway to one of the most beautiful tourist ar...
  • where the Trebbia begins to reveal itself in all its beauty
    beautiful and large courtyard, with covered spaces, is perfect for snacks, buffet, cocktails, as well as receptions and ceremonies, thanks to its capacity of about 100 seats ...
  • Rivergaro March 11 to April 22
    The program includes a review of the Dialect Comedy at the 'Auditorium of the House of the People in Rivergaro ...
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