mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024
  • » Val Nure
  • » Straddle between Val Nure and Val d'Arda

Straddle between Val Nure and Val d'Arda

from the farm inn Spettine a route between castles and forests

Straddle between Val Nure and Val d'Arda
From La Locanda di Spettine, date, position, you can not give in to a beautiful hike in the green scenarios piacentini of the most suggestive of the whole province.
A perfect route winds along the path through the base of Scout Spettine "Carlo Rasperini", a center for the development of scouting, the first stop for a stop on this beautiful and wide green expanse.
Continue the journey towards Casaleto, after covering, in total, about 4 km in just under an hour.
We can go a couple of miles yet to arrive in loc. Grilli after about half an hour of easy and pleasant walk.
Another 2 km and another 30 minutes for the last stage represented by loc. Cassinari, before returning by the same route.
By car, or even better, on board a 2Ruote, motorcycle or wasp, is the route that we propose.
First stop is Pontedell'Olio, with a stop in Riva and its castle built, mostly, with the stones of the river and then a short visit to the country.
Continue towards Carpaneto Piacentino along the SP 36 and turn right, after about 25 minutes and 12 km.
Near the resort Zaffignano, to take a dirt road that enters the woods and leads to the Oasis host Madonna of the Roses . An excursion to enjoy the beauty of nature that is flourishing here.
You return to the provincial and resumes for val Chero, surpassing the villages of Rizzolo, Godi and Viustino before making stage, and taking the time for a cool and refreshing drink and a walk, in the center of Carpaneto Piacentino.
Next stop is the Castle of Gropparello, following the course of the river Riglio and where parking is more intriguing and mysterious ...!
After a dutiful visit to this ancient and 1 hour and 40ben guarded mansion, theater events and performances suggestive, it is part of the Farm Inn Spettine through loc. Caminata which is reached by following yet, for a first section, the course of Riglio.
It passes adjacent the small villages of Castione, Monte Santo, Cassano before returning on the SS 654 of the Val Nure, cross the river of the same name and return to base.
We will have 65 km path around for an hour and 40 minutes by road, having lived part of the history of Piacenza, immersed in an environment in many places pure and wild.
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