martedì 22 ottobre 2024


visit to Vigolzone in Nure

This stage of the Nure Valley is known for its ancient fortress dating back to 1300, with a rectangular base with a tower 40 meters high, built by Bernardo Anguissola and built on the ruins of the former castle razed by King Enzo in 1242.
It was conquered in 1483 by Lodovico il Moro and in 1521 by the French dragoons of Lantrec.
Inside the Oratory of San Rocco, dating from the seventeenth century, the elegant arms room with wooden ceiling and a large living room of 400 square meters.
In 1888 the complex was visited by Joshua Carducci, who dedicated a short poem.

Strong contrast to its architecture is the modern parish church of San Mario, founded in 1966 by the will of the prelate Mario Nasalli Rocca. A elliptical is supported by reinforced concrete pillars whose summits are connected by a metal ring.
Inside ancient structures are mixed with bold structures creating architectural solutions really suggestive that suggest the visitor some concerns.
Remarkable dome, mosaics and the bell tower 40 meters high. and has eight bells.

The area is particularly happy for the vineyards that give precious grapes from which are derived the famous DOC wines Piacenza hills, presents in the immediate vicinity other interesting tourist stops including, much is known Grazzano Visconti, while towards Ponte dell'Olio is the Chiesiola, a building of three hundred convettuale transformed into a villa in the nineteenth century, surrounded by a park overlooking from a hill a pleasant view.

Among the most anticipated dates on the calendar of events Piacenza stands out Tortello Festival, which takes place in July. An appointment with the tradition, as this specialty is among the best known of Piacenza cuisine.
For several evenings the sports ground of Vigolzone is a meeting point for thousands of admirers of good food from Piacenza, with food stands and live music orchestras Piacenza that alietano evenings of great festival.
Tortello De.C.O. is a specialty of the Municipal Designation of Origin, made with a filling of ricotta and spinach closed braid and with the tail, served with butter, sage and parmesan and rigorously prepared by hand by the lord of the land!
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