venerdì 4 ottobre 2024
  • » Illustrious Piacentini

Illustrious Piacentini

  • Giacomo Vaciago
    Giacomo Vaciago is an economist
    In 1964 he graduated in Economics at the Catholic University of Milan and in 1968 he obtained a Master of Philosophy in Economics at the University of ...
  • Giuseppe Recchia
    Giuseppe Recchia was an Italian director
    His television debut takes place in the RAI in 1960, where over the years he has worked with personalities such as Giorgio Gaber, Cochi and Renato, Franca Valeri, Sandra Mondaini ...
  • Giorgio Armani
    Giorgio Armani is a fashion designer
    Origins of Piacenza, is one of the most important members of the international fashion. Work for La Rinascente until 1965, when he was hired by Nino Cerruti ...
  • Luigi Illica
    A Castell'Arquato a residence
    Arquatese of birth, soon left the native country driven by his lively temperament ....
  • Maria Teresa
    famous empress had 16 children
    Successor to Charles VI, was never well-liked and suffered numerous armed attacks that did not prevent him, however, to consolidate its position ...
  • Maria Luigia
    ruled until his death in 1846
    Controversial are the feedback on the work of Marie Louise, wife of Napoleon, at least in the aspect sentimental ...
  • Don Filippo di Borbone
    his duchy began in 1749
    Committed to improving the economy of the duchy, died during a hunting party falling from a horse ...
  • Don Ferdinando di Borbone
    declared an adult at age 14
    Remembered as one of the best Dukes who here have followed for seeking the way to protect its population ...
  • Don Carlo di Borbone
    his reign began in 1732
    Had the responsibility to strip the Duchy of things of high value when he became king of Naples ...
  • Carlo V di Spagna
    Succeeded Pier Luigi Farnese
    Not well seen by the people of Piacenza, abdicated in favor of his son Philip II and retired to a convent ...
  • Antonio Farnese
    He married Henriette d'Este
    He loved the great amusement and for that returned with him in the Duchy the splendor of the Carnival ...
  • Alessandro Farnese
    Ottavio succeeded his father in 1586.
    In the historic center of Piacenza, in Piazza Cavalli, a statue remembers riding ...
  • History of the Duchy: Charles VI
    ruled only four years
    Belonging to the powerful house of Austria, his duchy was short duration, succeeded by his daughter Maria Teresa ...
  • Ranuccio Farnese II
    happened to Duke Odoardo
    Quite loved by the people, Ranuccio Farnese II ruled the Duchy during the war with Innocent X ...
  • Ranuccio Farnese
    In Piazza Cavalli his monument
    Had him arrested and executed the Marquis Gian Francesco Sanvitale with other noble because he held responsible for a conspiracy in him ...
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