venerdì 4 ottobre 2024
  • » Illustrious Piacentini

Illustrious Piacentini

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  • Pier Luigi Farnese
    killed in a palace coup in 1547
    Very close to the people, he used to take long walksforcities, listened and conversed freely with all …
  • Paolo III
    Pope and the Duke of Parma and Piacenza
    The investiture ceremony at Duke took place in a bedroomcause attack of pellagra which struck him on the same day coronation .....
  • Ottavio Farnese
    remembered as a man proud and brave
    Well accepted by the subjects in his duchy began the construction of the Palazzo Farnese, on the will of his wife Margherita ...
  • Odoardo Farnese
    Ranuccio succeeded in just 10 years
    Not leave good memories as raised taxes for the population to prohibitive levels ...
  • Napoleone Bonaparte
    was welcomed triumphantly
    A domain, its particularly troubled, marked by an endless stream of human lives, but also characterized by a number of important works ..
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