among the most compelling of the sixteenth century Italian, and the only
Marian shrine in the city. Located in an area that tradition
Local believes already occupied by a small chapel dedicated t...
with Maria Grazia Dodici, municipal employee and excellent guide
stage to the industrial complex of the late nineteenth century the furnaces Cementirossi, which is located right next to the Municipal Palace, then the old railway bridge and Villa San Bono ...
a few kilometers rises Paderna, the smallest of villages but also the most interesting, dominated by a massive medieval building, typical castle of plain ...
visiting the beautiful Rocca, medieval style building surrounded by a beautiful fenced park, to continue with the castle, another very interesting building, built, apparently, towards the end of 12...
Dictionaries recite the word art: human activity based on the study on the technique and experience. From this arise cultural products that are the subject ...
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