It is a common gathering places itself and fractions of particular environmental and landscape. Not excels for historic buildings and architecture, but from its territory a really nice...
in Italy there are villages that no longer appear on the maps because there is no road never arrived. They are hidden in the folds of the mountains. Have endured for years the exodus of their inhab...
the visit is to admire the beautiful Rocca and the Basilica, built in the second half of 1400 by Msgr. Carlo Pallavicino, lord of the place and the Bishop of Lodi ...
It is'the largest capital of the province of Piacenza with an area of 180 sq km. In' High Nure and includes the eastern slope of the Val d'Aveto with the dam and hydroelectric power plant of Woods ...
That stands on the Palazzo Landi Stone disused, was promoted by a group of aristocrats Piacenza, to replace
the one at the Citadel, destroyed by fire on Christmas Eve 1798 ...
with the Cistercense Abbey of Chiaravalle of the Colomba
has military origins as strategically located on the border between Parma and Piacenza has a castle founded in the late twelfth century by Siclero Landi and Savino Vicedomino ...
in recent decades, more because of its favorable location, Podenzano, suffers a real surge, thanks to a strong industrialization that has no equal in the whole territory of Piacenza ..
a territory that borders the provinces of Cremona and Parma
is the border of the province of Piacenza, traced by the river Po flowing and also defines the extremes of the regions of Emilia Romagna and Lombardy ...
This whole area was sparsely populated and its inhabitants were invested with the task of maintaining such so-called "pedancole", the footbridges over the river Nure ....
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