martedì 22 ottobre 2024

Torta di Erbette

Torta di Erbette

Torta di Erbette
have (for 4 persons)

gr. 450 flour
gr. 50 of butter
1 pound of herbs,
gr. 150 of grated Grana Padano
gr. 150 oil


Wash and clean the herbs, mondatele from the coast, cut into strips in a broad finger, lay them on a plane and season with grated Grana cheese, oil, salt and mix everything.
Knead the flour, butter and oil to get a very smooth and workable dough, adding the right amount of water and salt, make a ball and let rest for half an hour covered with a towel.
Meanwhile, pour the beets in a bowl and amalgametele with beaten eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, salt and walnut moscata.
Stendete in a buttered a thin sheet of dough, pour the filling, cover with another sheet and welded by the rim all around.
Grease the surface with oil, practiced small holes on the surface of the dough with a fork and bake in a moderate oven until the dough will become golden
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