martedì 22 ottobre 2024

Wines Piacentini

The wines DOC Colli Piacentini
In 1963 appeared the law on Doc (DPR. 930/63); immediately makers wine Piacenza predisposero documentation required for recognition.
In 1967 it was approved the Doc Gutturnio Colli Piacentini. In 1974 he obtained the Doc also Monterosso Valdarda; in 1975 it was the turn of Trebbianino Trebbia. The three Doc however interested only three areas of the hills of Piacenza while the general wine vocation of the whole hill is indisputable. It was then proposed a new specification to create a Doc "umbrella" over all the hills of Piacenza that could protect both the three already existing and the new ones; the new specification was approved in 1984. The Doc is in fact one, Colli Piacentini, and has 18 sub-zones. Put simply: the Doc is not Gutturnio or Ortrugo but Colli Piacentini Doc Gutturnio, Colli Piacentini Doc Ortrugo and so on.

Colli Piacentini Barbera
The production area of the grapes Barbera Doc includes the Val Tidone, Trebbia, Nure and the Val d'Arda. The wine made from these grapes is ruby red; has a vinous and characteristic; the taste is dry or sweet, savory, slightly tannic. It can be quiet or lively.
It pairs perfectly with pasta, pasta and sauces, boiled and white meat.

Colli Piacentini Bonarda
The production area of the grapes Bonarda Doc, local name of Croatina, includes the four hilly surroundings. The wine made from this grape has a ruby red color, sometimes intense; its smell is distinctive, pleasant. It tastes dry or medium sweet or sweet, slightly tannic, fresh. It can be quiet or lively. It is planned to type "bubbly."
It goes to soups; also exists in a sweeter version, particularly indicated with strawberries and pastry.

Colli Piacentini Cabernet Sauvignon
The production area of the grapes Cabernet Sauvignon Doc is the one that includes the valleys of Tidone, Trebbia, Nure and Arda. The wine is made from grapes of the vine; is ruby red, sometimes grenade. It has a characteristic odor, pleasant, slightly herbaceous. The taste is dry and sweet, slightly tannic, quiet. It is particularly suitable for a wine aging, retains its best qualities for an average of 3 or 4 years.
It is suitable for meat dishes, including grilled.

Colli Piacentini Gutturnio and Gutturnio Classic
Gutturnio, the blend of Piacentini. This wine is made from grapes Barbera (55% -70%) and Bonarda (30% - 45%); its color is brilliant ruby red of varying intensity. Has a vinous and characteristic. The taste is dry or sweet, fresh, young, quiet or lively.
The type 'sparkling' is exclusively for Gutturnio.
Is accompanied, as a rule, the traditional first courses and white meats. But the true Piacenza, when giving a snack, linking him to the local salami.

Colli Piacentini Gutturnio Superiore and Classico Superiore
The production areas are those of Gutturnio and Gutturnio Classic. The wine is made from grapes of Barbera and Bonarda in traditional production. Its color is intense ruby red; the nose is slightly vinous. Its taste is dry, quiet, end of the body. The type "Classico Superiore" must be marketed after 1 September of the year following the harvest.
It is excellent with cheeses and dishes of red meat and pork.

Colli Piacentini Gutturnio Reserve and Classico Riserva
The production areas are those of Gutturnio and Gutturnio Classic. The wine is made from grapes of Barbera and Bonarda in traditional production. Its color is intense ruby red on a grenade. It has a pleasant aroma and a dry, tranquil, harmonious body. Its minimum alcohol content is 12.50% vol. Aged at least two years, of which three months in barrels from the October of the year of harvest. Produced only in years of particular value, preserves the best quality for over 3-4 years.
It should be slightly oxygenated, then marries game and seconds meat.

Colli Piacentini Novello
The production area of the grapes for the wine Novello Doc is the one of the four hilly hilly surroundings. The wine is made from grapes of Pinot Noir, Barbera and Bonarda. It has a ruby red color and a distinctive aroma, vinous and fruity. It's dry, or sweet, sour fragrant and fruity, quiet, sometimes lively. It is a wine to be drunk young, just bottled.
Serve with seasonal dishes, and can accompany any meal; traditionally drink accompanying roasted chestnuts.

Colli Piacentini Pinot Noir
The production area of the grapes Pinot Nero Doc is that of Val Tidone, Trebbia, Nure and Arda. The wine made from grapes of the vine is a more or less intense red or pink. It has a distinctive aroma and a dry and slightly sweet, fruity, pleasant, quiet, sometimes lively. There are the sparkling and bubbly. Excellent with appetizers refi ned and cheese.
It can also be vinified in white and sparkling; in this case is Colli Piacentini Spumante. The production area of the grapes is Pinot Noir Doc. This wine is made from grapes of Pinot Noir at least 85% and from Chardonnay to a maximum of 15%. Its froth is end and persistent; its color is straw yellow more or less intense or pink. Its aroma is distinctive, delicate, fine and tastes from Extrabrut a brut, fruity, fresh.
And 'ideal for appetizers.

Colli Piacentini Chardonnay
The production area of the grapes Chardonnay Doc is one of the four valleys of Piacenza. The wine is made from grapes of the vine; is pale yellow with greenish; its scent is pleasant, fine, fruity; the taste is dry or sweet, harmonious, fresh, quiet or lively. There are the sparkling and bubbly.
It is suitable for appetizers, cold dishes or white meats and fish.

Colli Piacentini Malvasia
The grapes are those of Malvasia di Candia Doc, the area is hilly and mountainous south of the 45th parallel, including the four valleys of the province of Piacenza. The wine made from these grapes is straw yellow with a distinctive aroma, too intense; its flavor can range from dry to sweet to the amiable; is aromatic, fresh, quiet or lively. It is a wine that should be drunk young. When it is dry it combines with starters, soups, delicate white meat and fish. If agreeable accompaniment to cheese cakes, while type matches the sweet dessert. Also available in version Passito and is golden yellow, with an intense, aromatic, characteristic; the taste is sweet, soft, balanced, intense, aromatic, quiet.
It's great with the classic pastries; Piacenza with the accompanying sbrisolona.

Colli Piacentini Monterosso Val d'Arda
The grapes are produced in the hilly area of the municipalities of Vernasca, Alseno, Lugagnano, Castell, Gropparello, Carpaneto valleys Stirone, Arda, Chero and Chiavenna. The blend is made from Malvasia di Candia aromatic Muscat Blanc, Trebbiano Romagnolo and Ortrugo, but are also permitted Berverdino and Sauvignon. The wine has a pale yellow color, delicate bouquet, characteristic. The taste is dry or sweet, or sweet; fine and thin body, quiet or lively. The specification includes the sparkling and bubbly.
When is lovable sit well with fruit and sweets after a meal; when dry is served with fish, appetizers and soups.

Colli Piacentini Ortrugo
The Ortrugo Doc can only be produced in the hilly area, exclusively within the territory of the valleys of the Val Tidone, Trebbia, Nure and Arda. The wine is made from grapes of the vine, has a pale straw yellow color with green hues. Its scent is delicate; its taste is dry or sweet, with a bitter aftertaste; can be quiet or lively, but there are also sparkling and bubbly.
The Ortrugo is ideal in combination with cold cuts, white meats, fish, soups, cheeses not very tasty.

Colli Piacentini Pinot Grigio
The production area of the grapes Pinot Grigio Doc is only hilly. Grapes from which you get a white wine with straw reflections and auburn. It has a distinctive aroma and can be dry or sweet, fresh fine, very pleasant, quiet or lively. It is also produced in the types sparkling or sparkling wine.
It goes well with appetizers and delicate first courses.

Colli Piacentini Sauvignon
The production area of the grapes Sauvignon Doc is the area of the four hilly surroundings. The wine is pale yellow, too intense; has a delicate and distinctive; the taste is dry or sweet, harmonious end, quiet or lively. It is planned to sparkling. It is a wine that should be drunk young, when you can seize the best its scents.
Goes well with appetizers, cold dishes, white meats and fish.

Colli Piacentini Trebbianino Trebbia
The production area of the grapes includes the hilly portion of Trebbia and Val Luretta with part of the territories of Bobbio, Coli, Travo, Rivergaro, Gazzola and Agazzano. Is produced from grapes of Ortrugo, Malvasia di Candia aromatic Muscat Blanc, Trebbiano Romagnolo and Sauvignon. This wine is pale yellow or golden yellow; its scent is vinous and pleasant. The taste is dry or sweet, delicate, thin, quiet or lively. Can be bubbly or sparkling wine.
His best combination is with light appetizers, the first dry and fresh water fish.

Colli Piacentini Valnure
The production area of the grapes includes the hilly portion of the Nure and Val Riglio; includes the municipalities of San Giorgio Piacentino, Vigolzone and Bridge Oil. This wine is made from grapes Malvasia di Candia aromatic Ortrugo and Trebbiano Romagnolo. It is pale yellow
clear; has a distinctive aroma, pleasant, aromatic and taste is dry or medium sweet, pleasant, quiet or lively. The Valnure can be crisp and bubbly. It is recommended in combination with appetizers, soups, fish, white meat and cheese cakes.

Colli Piacentini Vin Santo
The production area of the grapes for Vin Santo Doc is the area of the four hilly surroundings. It is a wine made from grapes of Malvasia di Candia aromatic Sauvignon, Marsanne, Trebbiano Romagnolo, Ortrugo, alone or in blends. It has a pale yellow, golden, an intense, aromatic, characteristic, ethereal; its taste is dry or sweet, soft, balanced, intense, harmonious, peaceful. It has a minimum alcohol content of 16.00% vol. Must age for at least 48 months, of which 36 in wooden containers.
Both dry and sweet it combines perfectly with fruit and sweets after meals and pastries.

Colli Piacentini Vin Santo di Vigoleno
The production area of the grapes includes the hilly area between Ongina and Stirone, the municipality of Vernasca; an area suited to ancient tradition. The vinification, maturation and bottling in the classic bottles "Rhenish" should only occur in the municipality of Vernasca. This wine is made from grapes dried on racks and plants of varieties Marsanne, Beverdino, Sauvignon, Trebbiano Romagnolo, Ortrugo. The color is golden or amber more or less intense; its aroma is intense, aromatic, characteristic; the taste is sweet, harmonious, full-bodied, velvety. Aging for 60 months including 48 in wooden barrels with a maximum of 500 liters capacity.
It is the perfect wine to end the meal with desserts and cakes to pasta; is also a great wine to be combined with chocolate.
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