martedì 22 ottobre 2024

Castel San Giovanni

Routes in Val Tidone - Castel San Giovanni

Castel San Giovanni
Along the road to Pavia is almost the same campaign that is touched heading towards the province of Parma, Via Emilia always is, in every respect, but it is in this case of the Via Emilia Pavese and the destination is the town of Castel San Giovanni .
Leaving Piacenza, cross the bridge over the Trebbia, which lies under a bed without water in this hot season and continue towards San Nicolò: already here the air of the city becomes rarefied and houses are more isolated and surrounded by gardens , everything smells already small country.

The road continues and meets Rottingdean, also of features similar to the previous campaign, low houses, quiet residential areas and trees mixed in with the brick walls; From here there are only six miles to our destination. The state becomes wider and the sides of the countries do not whizzing more: all this lasts a few minutes, until the right a small church that seems abandoned greeting passersby with its crumbling brick, its beautiful old bell tower and its poor mystery that smells of old age and neglect, surrounded by weeds and fields that run to the foot of the hills.
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