martedì 22 ottobre 2024

Routes Piacenza city

At the center of the Po Valley, the city of Piacenza rises on the right bank of the Po River, on the border with the region of Lombardy. Termination point of the Via Emilia, is a town rich in ancient religious buildings and palaces of prestige, evidence of an important story.

The peace of the provincial town blends the pleasures of good food, aspect of great importance and value of this lovely center that is the starting point for a visit to the wonderful valleys that characterize his province.

During the visit to the city of Piacenza you can see little treasures, memories of a rich and prosperous as its Cathedral, the Gothic Palace, Palazzo Farnese and the many other wonderful palaces and the many churches in the narrow streets of the old citizen, which contains, in its views, unexpected surprises.

Among the stops missed Piacenza are reported Piazza dei Cavalli with the two equestrian statues, the adjacent Gothic Palace and the church of San Francesco. From here you walk through the beautiful streets of the historical center, the Corso Vittorio Emanuele which leads on the historic walk "green" call Faxall or along strà Drita, as called by the elders, that is Via XX Settembre, which leads to the oPiazza del Duomo, where visiting the cathedral and stop nicely under the arcades which run all around the square.

Another nice street overlooked by so many windows that animate the historic center of Piacenza is via Calzolai, after which you reach Piazza Borgo, small open space which houses one of the oldest newsagents, adjacent to the church of Santa Brigida XII century. From there it goes back down, following Via Garibaldi, towards Largo Battisti which is the heart of the historic center of Piacenza, which converge on Piazza dei Cavalli, via Sant'Antonino which houses one of the most beautiful churches in the city, known just as the Basilica of Sant 'Antonino, and the aforementioned Corso Vittorio Emanuele and via Garibaldi precisely.

Other places not to be missed are the church of Santa Maria di Campagna, the church of San Sisto, the Palazzo Farnese which houses the Civic Museum of Palazzo Farnese, with the liver Etruscan, the Tondo by Botticelli and the Galleria Alberoni with the Ecce Homo Antonello da Messina.

Other emergency particular thickness is the Gallery of Modern Art Ricci Oddi, which provides a comprehensive overview of Italian figurative since the second half of the nineteenth century.

That much and more, because Piacenza is a city that offers discreet, be discovered at a slow pace and head held high, with a drink or an aperitif in the good coffee that open their doors on the walls of a high and ancient historical center capable to surprise.
  • Piacenza to see: Basilica of St. Antonino
    with type planimetric time very rare
    the current structure, made naturally abstraction of subsequent interventions, is the result of a single site, identifiable with that funded by bishop Sigifredo in 1014 ...
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    green oasis close to the Stadio Garilli
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  • Piacenza to see: Piazza Cavalli
    takes its name from the two equestrian statues in bronze
    once called Piazza Grande, owes its name to the two bronze equestrian statues that stand little Clear: from the front of the Town Hall, while the ancient and picturesque area overlooking buildings ...
  • Piacenza to see: the Municipal Theatre
    was baptized at first Teatro commutative
    That stands on the Palazzo Landi Stone disused, was promoted by a group of aristocrats Piacenza, to replace the one at the Citadel, destroyed by fire on Christmas Eve 1798 ...
  • Piacenza to see: Sanctuary Santa Maria di Campagna
    only Marian shrine of Piacenza
    among the most compelling of the sixteenth century Italian, and the only Marian shrine in the city. Located in an area that tradition Local believes already occupied by a small chapel dedicated t...
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