sabato 27 luglio 2024
  • » Cooking and traditions

Typical dishes Piacentini and Traditions

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  • Pisarei e faso
    Pisarei e faso
    Place 500 g of white flour in a fountain on a broad shelf and pour the water and 200 g of bread ...
  • Risotto Primogenita
    Risotto Primogenita
    Put the butter in a pan, pass the onion, carrot and celery, then add the various ...
  • Tortelli con la coda (turtei cun la cua)
    turtei cun la cua
    After preparing the dough with 400 g of white flour, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt and warm water ...
  • Zuppa di Pesci del Po
    Zuppa di Pesci del Po
    Prepare the sauce in a pan with the vegetables and a little oil, after a few minutes add the tomatoes ...
  • Panzerotti alla Piacentina
    Panzerotti alla Piacentina
    Mixed the dough, let it harden slightly in the refrigerator, then put it in a funnel of canvas or paper having an open end .....
  • Mezze Maniche Ripiene
    Mezze Maniche Ripiene
    Cut a piece of about two ounces from beef stew, pass it through the mincer and the wet breadcrumbs in the sauce of stewed ...
  • Torta di Erbette
    Torta di Erbette
    Wash and clean the herbs, mondatele from the coast, cut into strips in a broad finger, lay them on a plane and season with grated Grana ...
  • Pista ad Gras
    Pista ad Gras
    The recipe is all in the name: fat (lard) pounded (beaten, chopped) .With a heavy knife, whose blade is heated continuously to prevent ...
  • Bortellina (Burtlëina)
    Pour the flour into a bowl and stemperatela with water until a soft batter, add the beaten eggs .....
  • Chissolino (Chissulëin)
    Roll out a thin sheet with flour, water, salt, cut into squares or diamond shapes and fry in hot lard. The chisulèn ....
  • anolini
    It starts with the stew, proceeding to splinting of the lean, so-called "MUCC", with two / three cloves of garlic; sauté ...
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