mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024
  • » Cooking and traditions

Typical dishes Piacentini and Traditions

Cooking and traditions

The Piacenza cuisine is certainly characterized by the richness and quality of its agricultural products data from a great combination of fertile land and fresh air; but also from meat, meats and dairy products supplied by the numerous cattle ranches. Not only that; also the traditions of neighboring provinces and its history linked to a good stretch to the glories of the Farnese are found in the various dishes served on the boards of farmhouses Piacenza ...
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  • Latte in Piedi
    Latte in Piedi
    Put 1/2 of the milk in a saucepan and add gradually 200 g of sugar, 100 g of flour, 100 g of dark chocolate, 100 g of butter .....
  • Coniglio alla Piacentina (Cunili ala Piasinteina)
    Cunili ala Piasinteina
    Wash very well the rabbit and remove bone fragments, cut into pieces and dry thoroughly using paper towels. Blanch .....
  • Coppa Arrosto
    Coppa Arrosto
    Let hang for a few days the cup fresh rub with salt, pepper and spices, steccatela with garlic and rosemary and let it brown .
  • Piccola di cavallo (Picula ‘d cavall)
    Picula ‘d cavall
    Saute an onion and two chopped carrots with olive oil, butter and pistà to grass (which you obtained by chopping knife on a cutting board bacon ...
  • Lumache
    One proceeds to the so-called "purging", which consists in positioning the slugs closed in a container of corrugated cardboard or tin, on a bed of bran ....
  • Baccalà in umido
    Baccalà in umido
    After removing the fins and tail cod soaking them for 24 hours often changing the water, then drain it and cut it into pieces ...
  • Trippa alla Piacentina
    Trippa alla Piacentina
    Clean and wash several times trippa.Sbollentarla for a few minutes in a saucepan with the onion, celery, carrot, bay .....
  • Stracotto di Asinina
    Stracotto di Asinina
    Sauté in a clay dish a nice piece of butter with half sliced onion, a celery stalk .....
  • Sgonfietti (Frittelle Dolci)
    Boil water with the butter and a pinch salt, add the flour, stir and cook for about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool always ...
  • Ciambella (Busslan)
    Place 400g of flour on a pastry board, put in the center 180 g butter cut into small pieces and 180 grams of sugar, then egg yolks 3 .....
  • Risotto con i codini di maiale (risott cun i cuein ad gogn)
    risott cun i cuein ad gogn
    The dish is of use in cold weather at the time of the killing of the pig. Typical dish from poor peasant ...
  • Tortelli di Farina di Castagne
    Tortelli di Farina di Castagne
    Boil the chestnuts in plenty of water with a pinch of salt and bay leaf for about 40 minutes, then peel ...
  • Tortelli di Zucca
    Tortelli di Zucca
    cut the pumpkin into small pieces and collect them in a pan, add salt, cover and cook steam ...
  • Polenta e ciccioli (pulêinta e graséi)
    pulêinta e graséi
    is'required a rather dense polenta that is obtained by pouring the flour yellow ...
  • Bomba di Riso
    Bomba di Riso
    After a finely chopped onion, let it brown in a pan with 50 g butter, now ...
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