martedì 22 ottobre 2024

Agriturismo Agronauta

rises to nearly 400 meters. altitude

Agriturismo Agronauta
Particularly voted to hospitality, Farm Agronauta features pleasant and comfortable apartments with all the service, which draw a small and charming village in the middle of the beautiful Val Luretta.
Totally restored through a skilful restoration work, wanted to match, the choice of furnishings and objects are able to offer due to the environments typical of the place, the comfort of the living room, for a holiday or a weekend full of comfort, immersed in the quiet of these gentle hills of Piacenza.
Farm Agronauta rises to nearly 400 meters. altitude and matches to stay a catering service, on request, with a menu typically Piacenza which provides excellent local meats, cheeses of small producers in the area, bread and homemade cakes, to appreciate the uniqueness of this land, and enjoyed on the large roof terrace.
One of the features of this little corner of Piacenza is given by the passion for the local stories that Agronauta knows and can tell, creating an atmosphere of participation and suggestions that only some stories can evoke.
With the Agronauta you can also go to the discovery of paths and trails along routes that lead to places almost unknown, where nature shows off the best of herself, to imprint on their film shots of rare expressive power.
The company produces cereals, vegetables and wine grapes organically. Farm is Agronauta Educational Farm.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Loc. Vezzanino - strada Montecanino
  • Località: Piozzano Val Luretta
  • tel 0523.970436 cell. 339.1305679
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