martedì 22 ottobre 2024

Agriturismo La Favorita

large outdoor area and beautiful and cozy indoor rooms

Agriturismo La Favorita
The farm La Favorita welcomes its guests in a very pleasant and well-groomed.
Spread over a large terrace for the summer, while inside, the ground floor, several delightful dining rooms lend themselves to various needs, from dinners by candlelight at business lunches.
Upstairs, the large banquet room, surrounded by large windows, can accommodate about 70 guests, ideal for family groups and companies. The menu changes with the seasons, and offers both traditional cuisine Piacenza that national recipes, with the constant of the genuineness of the products.
The owner ', Mariuccia Ferrari, is teamed by his son Paolo in preparing food, while his son Stefano takes care of the service at the tables and wine cellar, stocked with good wine and excellent meats.
An adjacent red brick house where the rooms, private facilities for a stay in total comfort.
La Favorita is also a qualified and renowned Equestrian Center for the Promotion of Tourism Equestrian; organizes horse riding, riding lessons with qualified instructors, competitive activities jumping, horse boarding, training colts, and everything else all in full professionalism and experience gained over the years.
Not far by the company, over 650 perches of land are cultivated in part screw, partly cereals, such as wheat, barley and oats, providing flour, wine, poultry, fruits and vegetables to eat: a guarantee of quality that invites "enjoy your meal".
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