martedì 22 ottobre 2024

Agriturismo Bassanine

Excellence of Verdi's land

Agriturismo Bassanine
From the restoration of a farmhouse from the late '800, Bassanine Farm is surrounded by a campaign to discover, a few steps from the River Po, just a few minutes from the Castelvetro Piacentino.
Farm Bassanine offers daily stays and flexible solutions rest day or night as well as a good food to serve to meet the needs of those who work in the territory.
The rooms, all with private bathrooms, are meticulous in detail. Do not miss the complimentary toiletries that Bassanine offers every guest house, containing soap and shampoo, hair dryer, linen changed weekly, wireless Internet Wi-Fi.
Also in each room is stocked daily cleaning to rest in comfort, but also in the pleasant scent of candor.
Among the many moments of Taste, the morning is to the good taste of fresh milk, Tea, coffee, for a breakfast that engages juices, delicate pastries, bread, butter and jam, yogurt, fruit, in addition to small savory buffet . The risk is to start a little spoiled ...
Farm Bassanine has private parking, telephone reservations for museums, information materials and maps, bicycles for guests to use. Bassanine is something more than a simple and cozy, as contains, among the rustic walls of the house, the joy of hospitality, the taste of the space, the silence of the countryside, the smile of Amber and Dorothy who would like to welcome and the Wish a Happy Living.
A short Bassanine will also Buona Cucina!
Appointment here, in the quiet of the simple things, between the flavors of genuineness, in the delicate atmosphere of friendship and of Being Well. Here, at Farmhouse Bassanine!
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Strada Bassanine, 47
  • Località: Monticelli d'Ongina
  • tel 333.9113917 335.8410412
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