martedì 22 ottobre 2024

Agriturismo La Tosa

cuisine and flavors of the earth Piacenza

Agriturismo La Tosa
The agritourism activities dates back to 1988, driven by the passion of the family Pizzamiglio for the hospitality and the desire to make known to many people in a territory whose beauty and whose traditions, gastronomy and not only that, we in our turn discovered , appreciated and loved.
Since the beginning Farmhouse La Tosa is interpretation as support and completion soul wine, that arricchisse of values and cultural and entertainment.
Of this activity has been focused on the female side of the family for the first ten years mom Alberta, and later the wives of Ferruccio and Stefano, Augusta and Elisa, supported by precious collaborators.
Agriturismo La Tosa you can eat in two large rooms, which in the summer alongside the two outdoor porches.
Remains open every Sunday at noon from early March to late October, by appointment on other days.
This is always advisable.
The cuisine is typical of Piacenza, and a lunch usually starts with the three meats dop local, coppa and salami of the mountains of the Nure and the bacon Ponte dell'Olio, accompanied by pies or vegetables from home.
After that, the classic pasta dishes of our territory, namely the ravioli with ricotta, pisarei and beans, anolini, and also very rare dishes like macaroni and pin the needle to Bobbiese Nure; main dishes such as pan roast the pork in the oven, the pocket stuffed rabbit with Gutturnio and salami crust, with all the trimmings.
Finally the homemade, like pies, desserts, chocolate cake, cake of figs Albarola.
Gives special attention to food of children with specific menus, and all those who have food intolerances.
The wines to complement the dishes are those business and at the end of the lunch is offered spirits of their production: the walnut, the Bargnolino, basil liqueur, liquor grass luigia and limoncino.
The company is available in its entirety for the disabled.
Next to buildings and arcades there are a children's playground, a pond full of fish, a large parking lot, lawns with benches and around vineyards and woods where you can take pleasant walks.
Since 1988 The Tosa is the place for all kinds of celebrations and events: wedding receptions with personalized menus, communions, confirmations, baptisms, anniversaries and birthdays, receptions, picnics, meetings, business dinners, dinners and themed tastings, lunches for associations (Association of Italian Sommeliers, Slow Food, Friends of Wine, etc.) and groups of wine enthusiasts also complete with tasting of their wines paired with various dishes.
The visits to the company, the vineyards, the winery and, especially to the Wine Museum which contains documentation and tools very rare, can be made on request and free of charge and can be combined with lunch, for groups consisting of or even reduced.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Loc. La Tosa
  • Località: Vigolzone Val Nure
  • tel 0523.870727
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