sabato 27 luglio 2024
  • » Val D'arda

Val D'arda

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  • with acts from the year 884
    Lugagnano binds its medieval events in Castell'Arquato and Valvassori and valvassini feudal rulers of the Guelphs and Ghibellines ...
  • holiday resort in Alta Val d'Arda
    extends to the northeast-southwest, reaching the border with the province of Parma and is made up of three parallel valleys ...
  • Provincial Park, Rocca dei Casali, San Michele ...
    interesting excursions in the surrounding area, including the Provincial Park, the summit of Mount Signs of 1070 meters, the Rocca dei Casali ...
  • an area that recounts centuries of rural life
    an area that recounts centuries of rural life, keeping many traces, like the houses of stone; Recently researchers and archaeologists ...
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