mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024

Agriturismo Podere Casale

farmhouse with pool

Agriturismo Podere Casale
Podere Casale goes right in the circuit of farmhouses of excellence of the province of Piacenza, about an enviable position and a structure able to accommodate the host of comfort and good taste.
In the heart of the Val Tidone, opposite the church of Vicobarone, Podere Casale is a farmhouse with swimming pool, the ideal solution for a vacation or a weekend getaway to enjoy moments of serenity and find the right balance psychophysical only a few places can give.
Immersed in the gentle hills of Piacenza, accompanied by the rhythm of nature, by the sounds and colors of an environment capable of giving the pleasure of a smile and a pleasant feeling of lightness, the stay at Agriturismo Podere Casale is an experience that returns that pleasure the life of simple things, spaces and silences, reading and walking, moments and situations so important for our spirit, for our welfare.
The day can begin to discover the beauty of the Val Tidone, castles and museums, artisan shops and old mills that once represented the largest economy of this land and that today are a tourist destination for educated and watchful.
The exuberant nature within which these itineraries in Val Tidone develop are the perfect setting for views that know how to surprise and enchant.
The structure is an ancient fort which includes more bodies. In the old stables are located the comfortable rooms of Farmhouse Podere Casale, with rustic wood furniture, terracotta, the stone walls and wooden ceilings that create a magical atmosphere of history and tradition, to meet in perfect harmony, the most modern facilities for the highest comfort such as, for example, the satellite TV in every room.
The rooms are divided between Double, Suite, two and three rooms of different types, while a large living room with vaulted ceiling and fireplace is available for leisure.
A warm and cozy tasting room, housed in a wing of the fortress, welcomes visitors to stop in an exquisite typical products of the earth Piacenza.
It is followed by a visit to the vineyards and production facilities.
From the cellar offers a spectacular panoramic view of the towers and bell towers of Val Tidone.
Podere Casale becomes, in the summer, more opportunity, a great choice for days of pleasure and fun, where to find the freshness of a swim in the pool, where rejuvenate and regenerate, in a natural setting amazing.
Upon booking you can arrange, at our facility, internships and business meetings.
A Podere Casale are periodically organized exhibitions of paintings and graphics, cultural gatherings, meetings and wine tasting, nature hikes.
In a nutshell: Podere Casale is an island of the "bon vivre". The Winery Podere Casale rises, respectful of the countryside and the surrounding hills, in the midst of endless stretches of vineyards, whose grapes are expertly machined to produce quality wines, the pride of this part of the province of Piacenza.
It also makes Podere Casale about this land with its wines produced in the modern cellar overlooking the vineyards, to offer an incomparable view of the entire valley.
Malvasia in dry version and lovable vinified following the strictest observance of the ancient method of the Marquis Podere Casale, and area of Vicobarone while Ortrugo bubbly is obtained from the vineyard native, present since time immemorial on the hills of Piacenza.
The reds are represented by Gutturnio Superior, made from selected grapes Barbera and Bonarda from exceptional vineyards.
Of great interest is the sparkling version, young and fresh.
It produces then, only in particularly favorable, Gutturnio Reserve Castle, selection aged in small oak barrels.
Past and future come together here at the Agriturismo Podere Casale, in a perfect combination of tradition and new technologies, for wellness holidays!
Piacenza hills on the perfect vacation on a farm, just minutes from Milan, Lodi, Pavia, Parma, in the beautiful Val Tidone, in the province of Piacenza.
  • chiusura settimanale: sempre aperto su prenotazione
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Via Creta - Vicobarone
  • Località: Ziano Piacentino Val Tidone
  • tel 0523.868302
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