domenica 16 febbraio 2025

Visit Piacentino: Morfasso

Provincial Park, Rocca dei Casali, San Michele ...

Visit Piacentino: Morfasso
The capital of the upper Val d'Arda is located on the Rio Lubiana at the center of an amphitheater of mountains, forests and meadows.
To escape the wrath and contention between factions of the city, in October 1215, the daughter of the accounts of Vidalta, Santa Franca, retired with some of his companions in solitude on the distant Apennines, a mountain now called by the name of Santa.
Here lies the Saccello venerated by the faithful, element of beauty and prayer.
Before the Sanctuary plains and mountains stretch in all their glory and their bosses.
The eye suddenly embraces the whole province of Piacenza. Val d'Arda, Val Lubbiana, Chero, Nure, open furrowed by rivers, wide, dotted with fields, meadows, vineyards, houses gathered in little groups, countries pampered in the countryside.
Recognize neighboring mountains: from Menegosa to Monte Bue, from Maggiorasca to Laserei, until you discover the highest and last part of the Apennines, the Pen.
Following dell'Arda valley floor, past the Lake Mignano, the high valley welcomes tourists with old houses built in sandstone. Only approaching Morfasso the mountains may make steep and the road goes to the houses of stone to the capital.
Steeped in ancient history and modern with its fractions gave a big contribution to the war of liberation by hosting rebels who opened the fight with the way of the realization of human dignity and of the people. Morfasso stands on a green valley surrounded by mountains to the south west by the highest mountains of Val d'Arda.
Despite its long history it would rise above a landslide macroscopic, partly latent, locked with numerous bridle.
E 'in the awareness of this state of things that the council and the community has committed to channeling resources to a reforestation of the mountain resulting works settling hydro-geological.

Morfasso is today a charming and popular holiday resort and weekend, but the story goes that, given the limited local economic resources, its population from time immemorial, however, took the road to London, where you can count a community morfassina higher than that resident in the municipality.
From here, a little habituation to human contact for a while for the unfailing attachment to his roots, a large part have returned bringing the style and the elegance of English type constituting with the peace and tranquility of the country definitely a feature singular.
Several possibilities for interesting excursions around Morfasso: Provincial Park and the summit of Mount of Signs, 1070 meters; Rocca dei Casali, 872 meters, rugged rocky outcrop sull'Arda; the Monte Carameto, 1319 meters; Passo del Pellizzone, 1105 meters, with the remains of a pre-Roman fort on the slopes; the Monte Lama, 1345 meters, crossing a beautiful plateau with grasslands; the Monte Menegosa, 1350 meters, imposing block of dark rock; to Mount Moriah, 1070 meters, and Monastery, formerly home to a famous monastery; San Michele, beautiful village resort in Val di Chero; Veleia Romana, the Pass of Guselli and Prato Barbieri.
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