martedì 22 ottobre 2024

Visit to Piozzano: Route 2

second path

Visit to Piozzano: Route 2
We start from the center of Piozzano, where, only one kilometer from the town hall, is another "farm of excellence", The Source, in loc. Tassara.
We take the direction of San Gabriel and pass through the village of San Nazzaro. And 'the road that leads to the Passo Caldarola, then dropped to Mezzano Scotti.
Top left, along a small deviation indicating Walking, stands the old seat of the municipal building.
A few hundred meters away is the church of San Nazario and Celso, characterized by the bell tower that stands denouncing a more than slight slope.
We continue to reach the Torricello, group of houses among which we note the Trattoria da Luigi, typical restaurant once, eat good meats and cheeses to choose and pick up at the counter of the shop and eat at the table annexed.
We look towards Groppo Arcellis, skirting a forest notoriously rich in mushrooms, which these days are slow in coming because the little water fall.
But we do not hurry, the water will come and will spring fragrant porcini, is the optimistic forecast of Augustine.
We hold the right to Mezzano and after a few hundred meters to meet the deviation generated, a group of holiday homes and a local atypical in these latitudes, the Floridita Sabor de Cuba, with South American cuisine, rooms and theme parties.
A right turn leads us on a scenic road, in an environment that does not change, always characterized by green forests and views of the sinuous and undulating hills halfway between Val Tidone and Trebbia.
We are in the direction Pecorara through Sevizzano, pass a monument in memory to the war dead, while successive small groups of houses.
So we reach the 747 meters of the Passo Caldarola and appears before us in all its majestic mole Stone plot.
Here the territory allows you to change the common moving only a few steps, because the step marks the border between Piozzano, Travo, Bobbio and Pecorara.
Turn left for Monte Bogo, where he reported the namesake farm, and the road becomes dirt road for a short distance, begins to climb with a moderate slope, to continue in the direction Bobbiano and then in Trebbia.
Resume for a sudden the road we have traveled to get here, but at the fork to deviate Groppo Arcellis where we visit the church of Saint Eustace, with adjacent chapel.
We are at 557 meters above sea level and a number of scattered houses form the village.
You meet some taverns, clubs that were once the meeting place of the entire local community, now far from that past life and aggregation appear sadly forgotten, although maintaining its own charm and continue to lavish meals of local specialties, dishes prepared according to strict traditional recipes.
Are the Antica Trattoria conducted by Scotti family and, just beyond the Osteria Case Zucconi.
Houses Colombari overcome, another village, perhaps the most inhabited, Groppo Arcellis. Poviago Finally, a small hamlet with few houses. From here, just a courtyard, leads to a viable only, or better, in an off road vehicle that leads the Company's Vallescura, Country of Excellence of the province of Piacenza (see box).
It then descends to Piozzano along the main road of access to the company, the one that runs under Monteventano and rising from the junction of wading.
Before returning we visit the Company winemaking The Vei, fording the course of Luretta or crossing a small bridge capable of producing a bit 'of adrenaline.
You pass an old mill before arriving to the company, known for a product is limited in quantity, but high quality characteristics. We return to Piozzano and we pass the turnoff to Monteventano with the castle that sometimes appears from above on our left, taking us for a stretch along the road.
We make a brief stop in the center of Piozzano to drink a good glass of red wine in company of Augustine.
A well-deserved break for a few minutes and then go to Bosco's Pope, along a detour that climbs to the left, just after passing the center in the direction of Piacenza.
The road climbs almost immediately, let the left Castelvecchio, for piozzanesi simply told the castle, and in a few minutes we arrive at the B & B surrounded by wild nature, great place to take care of yourself. And 'prerogative, however, all of this municipality, where you can rest and relax is the most natural action, alternating walking and hiking, to appreciate even more the cuisine of farmhouses of excellence that these parts are a real added value .
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