venerdì 4 ottobre 2024


  • Visit to Piozzano
    Val Luretta, less than the Val Tidone
    Hydrologically the municipal area is affected by the drainage basin of the Luretta stream, tributary of the Tidone; marginally, the limit Western, is affected by the stream Chiarone ....
  • Visit to Piozzano: Route 2
    second path
    With "Routes Piacentini" we are back in the green valley of Luretta, a stream that flows down from the slopes of Mount Serenda ...
  • Visit to Piozzano: Route 1
    With itineraries piacentini go today visiting Piozzano
    With itineraries piacentini go today visiting Piozzano at the edge of Val Luretta, a small green patch of land ...
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