mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024

Agriturismo La Madre Pietra

at the center of the recovery agricultural and culinary traditions

Agriturismo La Madre Pietra
The name we chose, La Madre Pietra, emphasizes the connection that the farm has with Madre Pietra.
This indicates first of all the relationship it has with the Pietra Parcellara (where it is situated), then the union with the farm itself, and finally, on a symbolic level, with the earth, as a mother, there sustains and nourishes us with its fruits.
The Earth is also one of the four elements (with the Wind, the Water and Fire) and indicates openness to holistic disciplines and psychological tools of a greater psychological well-being of the individual with respect to himself, to his own life, to others and to the environment.
La Madre Pietra presents itself as a privileged place of the time and space in which the genuine contact with themselves and with the environment, relax and gratify the senses.
The Farm la Madre Pietra is based on a farm that wants to respect the rhythms and characteristics of the place where it is located, on the hospitality, which has as a keyword hospitality, respect for all and especially children, on the recovery of agricultural and culinary traditions, and also on the proposal of alternative activities, supply of vegetarian dishes, collaboration with centers and professionals who desire it.

  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Loc. Pietra di Bobbiano
  • Località: Travo Val Trebbia
  • tel 0523 950516 - Cell. 349.3279440
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