martedì 22 ottobre 2024



the preparation

It starts with the stew, proceeding to splinting of the lean, so-called "MUCC", with two / three cloves of garlic; sauté in butter with the addition of a small onion, a stalk of celery, salt, pepper, herbs, red wine and, optionally, the broth and cook on low flame for at least five hours, until such time as does not stay more than a few traces of the liquid, almost completely absorbed by the meat.
At this point you mince stew with the use of a crescent; with the sauce remaining in the pan burns the bread crumbs, then there is mixed together stew finely chopped, grated cheese, eggs until a smooth paste is dusted with nutmeg.
At this point you can prepare, with the flour and eggs, the dough to be rolled into a thin sheet; in the meantime we will have prepared the filling that will be placed at the center of the pastry, in so many balls far between 5/6 cm; folds the dough going to cover the filling and cut, one by one, anolini.
From the shape of a small crescent, so-called "single hair from pret" or, folded cocked, "by mùnag", are cooked in the traditional soup, served well sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese. A variant provides anolini dry and, after draining from the broth, served with melted butter and Parmesan; or messy, that is topped with a sauce made with butter and chicken giblets and mushrooms and tomato sauce.
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