lunedì 10 febbraio 2025

Panzerotti alla Piacentina

Panzerotti alla Piacentina

Panzerotti alla Piacentina
Blended the mixture, do it slightly harden in the refrigerator, then put in a funnel of canvas or paper having a final opening diameter of 1 cm; press the funnel to lay the stuffing evenly on half pancake that will be wrapped from the outside to the half cut crepe.
Let stand the cannelloncini thus formed and then proceed to the cutting of logs and laying them in a separate pan where it will be wet with plenty of cream and covered in sauce before being put in the oven.
Fry the onion over low heat with butter, olive oil and spices, add the sausage with rosemary and, having her brown, add half a glass of white wine. Let dry wine, then add the tomatoes; remove the rosemary and proceed to the slow cooking of the sauce by putting salt and, if there is, a teaspoon of meat sauce.
Dilute the sauce with stock too light or nut; half an hour before the end of cooking, add the veal loaf reduced to mush that "velluterà" softening the sauce flavor.
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